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Josh's father is unknown, and his mother passed away in 2014. Josh was left in the care of his aunt, who was unable to look after him properly. She had no money for food or to send him to school. They lived in a permanent but incomplete house with extended family who, unfortunately, did not help each other due to the harsh survival conditions. Sadly, Josh is also HIV positive and had not been taking his medication regularly or with food. Despite being a clever boy, he had no hope.


Josh was taken in by Manna Rescue Home because his situation was dire, and without intervention, he would not have had a long life. He is now doing amazing in school and is a healthy boy. He is one of the smartest children at Manna Rescue Home, and we have great hope for his future. He loves to watch football and also loves to play it. He is a great dancer and loves having fun. He is a bit shorter than the other children, which is due to stunting from not having adequate nutrition when he was younger. Manna Rescue Home would not be the same without him.


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