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Aiden was living with his grandfather, grandmother, and cousins. His grandfather, who is very old, works as a security guard. Sadly, he does not get paid very much and works hard to provide for the family. Food is very scarce in their home, with nine people living in one household, including Aiden and his two siblings.


Aiden is HIV positive and has very poor health. Manna Rescue Home took him in because he was not stable on his medication. Despite his challenges, Aiden is a very happy boy and always has a smile on his face. He is struggling to read, and we suspect he might be dyslexic. He is very practical and always fixing things around Manna Rescue Home. Aiden really wants to attend a vocational school, and we believe he will succeed in life as he is great at solving problems and enjoys hard work.


SKU: 324
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