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Overcoming Challenges

Running a non-profit organization in Uganda is rewarding but also challenging! One challenge we face is the government’s requirement to routinely send the children at our rescue home back to their villages. With efforts to keep children connected to their villages and families, the government here requires that all institutionalized children do this during every school break. We see the value in preserving culture and family ties, but this requires extra investigative work to ensure our children are safe. As you know, these children came to the rescue home because they weren’t receiving the care they needed or were experiencing abuse, so this task isn’t easy.

Diligently, our staff track down safe relatives or neighbors that will house these children during this mandatory stay, provide food and supplies needed, and follow up when problems arise.

As I write this, we are in the middle of a rainy season, so simple tasks become complicated with flooding and muddy roads. Being a common occurrence for the Ugandan people, they always manage to get the job done!

Please pray for our children, their families, and our staff as we prepare to send them home during Christmas break.

Please also pray for our students! The end of the school year is approaching here in Uganda, so the stress level is high for students in Primary 7, Senior 4, and Senior 6. They will all be taking their government exams this month. It is always a stressful time for these kids as the results of the exams determine the direction of their education.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers! We couldn’t do this without you!


Update: We are getting closer to getting a new vehicle!  We are so excited that we have raised just over $9,000 USD toward a “new” truck!  A big THANK YOU to everyone who has given towards this!  Second hand trucks here are around $14,000 so we are hoping to reach that goal by the end of the year.  If you would like to donate towards getting us a truck click here.  Thank you so much!


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